lisaamulvey: Mardi Gras Trees
lisaamulvey: On Dasher, On Dancer, On Prancer, On Bingo?
lisaamulvey: Dont try to take me out of here
lisaamulvey: Connor made this angel in his art class
lisaamulvey: bringing home treezilla '05
lisaamulvey: We could have cut about 5 feet off the bottom and still had a decent sized tree
lisaamulvey: Pete came over to help get it in the house
lisaamulvey: I really didnt think it was going to fit through the door
lisaamulvey: I was freaking out about it scratching up the wood
lisaamulvey: Its in. And maybe it will fit in the stand
lisaamulvey: My dad was needed to hlep hold it up
lisaamulvey: She tired of the christmas tree drama
lisaamulvey: Did you see "Christmas Vacation?"
lisaamulvey: There was no room to move in the living room
lisaamulvey: From above
lisaamulvey: Mike is so proud
lisaamulvey: All lit up
lisaamulvey: Mardi Gras tree decoration
lisaamulvey: Mom and dad caved and went artificial
lisaamulvey: Candle or penis in the window?
lisaamulvey: She knows there is something good in there
lisaamulvey: Wrong Stocking Gumbo!
lisaamulvey: Trooper checks out his stocking
lisaamulvey: connor's loot
lisaamulvey: Jimmy's oile