neilhilton65: Lapland Bunting
Goose Spittin' Image Photography: Penticton on a Windy Day
Steve_Waddingham: Sitting Pretty
Thy Photography: Snow Bunting
Kitty Kono: Two Cabins and a Tree
vincepdx: split leaves
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Skunk in the yard R1
bobdinnel: Roadrunner
Kitty Kono: Stop bothering us!!
Ron Vipond: Crossbill
vincepdx: orange in the back:-)
Dave_Lawrence: Sanderling---Calidris alba
Kitty Kono: Nose to Nose with Eyes Closed!
vincepdx: Honeysuckle beauty
Jan.Timmons: Singin' in the rain...
miketrdunn: Burrowing Owl 24-204
Paul B Jones: Rare bird at the Point Traverse Lighthouse in Prince Edward County | Yellow-throated Warbler | Setophaga dominica | Paruline à gorge jaune
vincepdx: blueberries . a slider :-)
Jasper's Human: Floating Along
Atascaderosammcmillan: Dad is coming with food
Paul B Jones: A rare Franklin's Gull in Prince Edward County | Leucophaeus pipixcan | Mouette de Franklin
lorinleecary: Birthday Sunset
Paul B Jones: Pectoral Sandpiper | Calidris melanotos | Bécasseau à poitrine cendrée
Kitty Kono: The Belted Kingfisher
pasotim1: Late Afternoon, Old Creek Road
marlin harms: Murder of Crows Minus the Audio
Mimi Ditchie: Succulent Plant
Mimi Ditchie: Prickly Pear Cactus