Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: Anything's possible... so walk on water!
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: the sky is your limit ...jump high reach out to others!
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: Goofballs -not always visable!
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: Reflection of yourself...
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: We all live in two worlds... the real world and the world of our minds...
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: Wait....Okay GO FOR IT!
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: I got it!! Its MIIINNNNEEE!!! *rarsh*
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: Its a black and white world...
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: Just one of those moments....
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: Aww you're not so scary!
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: "He holds the world in his hands"
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: You're only a thought away...
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: Get ready.. get set... swing!
Lisa ♥ Bug *HAS A NEW FLICKR PAGE*: ...Hazzy in wonderland...