PictureNewYork LG: experiment: Nutella Scone from the new Baked book
PictureNewYork LG: experiment: Nutella Scone from the new Baked book
PictureNewYork LG: pie crust preps
PictureNewYork LG: Pecan pie. I made the crust.
PictureNewYork LG: thank Vibration Cooking
PictureNewYork LG: Peach ice cream in the hopper
PictureNewYork LG: round 2, candied citrus. Tangelo peels.
PictureNewYork LG: CANDY CRAB! (I candied citrus yesterday. Temple orange and tangelo.)
PictureNewYork LG: IMG_7271
PictureNewYork LG: IMG_7237
PictureNewYork LG: IMG_7238
PictureNewYork LG: IMG_7250
PictureNewYork LG: dirty ramptini / Ramp Gibson
PictureNewYork LG: cooking w rhubarb, scones & cake
PictureNewYork LG: cooking w rhubarb, scones & cake
PictureNewYork LG: cooking w rhubarb, scones & cake
PictureNewYork LG: cooking w rhubarb, scones & cake