Lisa & Greg: g and jessica
Lisa & Greg: greg and jessica
Lisa & Greg: jessica
Lisa & Greg: j taking a picture of us
Lisa & Greg: it's not china.
Lisa & Greg: reading a bedtime story
Lisa & Greg: night night
Lisa & Greg: good morning.
Lisa & Greg: watching saturday morning cartoons
Lisa & Greg: bubbles
Lisa & Greg: bubbles
Lisa & Greg: bubbles
Lisa & Greg: bubbles
Lisa & Greg: oh, i'm deliciously cute
Lisa & Greg: breakfast of champions
Lisa & Greg: how much toast can i fit
Lisa & Greg: enough with the photos
Lisa & Greg: washing hands
Lisa & Greg: soap is important
Lisa & Greg: i like this photo .... long lashes
Lisa & Greg: rub rub rub
Lisa & Greg: decorating cookies
Lisa & Greg: proud project
Lisa & Greg: working hard
Lisa & Greg: too full to even taste
Lisa & Greg: all finished
Lisa & Greg: pretty
Lisa & Greg: spreckles
Lisa & Greg: "i made a star!"