LisaBSkelton: Don't touch his possessions.
LisaBSkelton: PS318- Shirley.
LisaBSkelton: PS318- Shirley
LisaBSkelton: Banjo Ray
LisaBSkelton: Frank's Girl
LisaBSkelton: Don't upset Frank!
LisaBSkelton: Aunty Lisa is so in love with the newest member of the family!
LisaBSkelton: Peek-A-Boo with Frank
LisaBSkelton: Frank steals the shot
LisaBSkelton: PS326 surfacing
LisaBSkelton: 354 is getting big quick!
LisaBSkelton: Cutfin's new calf!!!!
LisaBSkelton: I wonder what's going on in that head?
LisaBSkelton: 1 week old!
LisaBSkelton: Inspecting new things
LisaBSkelton: ... When you see this face heading your way!
LisaBSkelton: PS330 breaching
LisaBSkelton: What are we up to today?
LisaBSkelton: Love the camera
LisaBSkelton: How Not To Be Seen
LisaBSkelton: Treats?
LisaBSkelton: Summer Days
LisaBSkelton: Close pass
LisaBSkelton: Sticking Close to Mum
LisaBSkelton: Green Sea Turtle
LisaBSkelton: The Flukes