elisabethdahl in Greece: sunset in many colours
elisabethdahl in Greece: 3.30 pm in Norway
elisabethdahl in Greece: September moon
elisabethdahl in Greece: sunset over solhøgda.2jpg
elisabethdahl in Greece: The sky really on fire
elisabethdahl in Greece: Heavy rain, just so you know it!!
elisabethdahl in Greece: the sun breaking threw
elisabethdahl in Greece: rain, rain, rain
elisabethdahl in Greece: a Norwegian summernight
elisabethdahl in Greece: the sky on fire
elisabethdahl in Greece: Full September moon
elisabethdahl in Greece: Spectacular sky
elisabethdahl in Greece: lazy afternoon
elisabethdahl in Greece: children playing in the sunset
elisabethdahl in Greece: - but the sky is beautiful ;)
elisabethdahl in Greece: Winter evening sky