elisabethdahl in Greece: peon after heavy (needed) rain
elisabethdahl in Greece: from el2deepblue, Thank you for telling me; "Colored garden-marguerite"
elisabethdahl in Greece: a wet yellow flower
elisabethdahl in Greece: "Bogavilja" Canary-rose
elisabethdahl in Greece: Gran Canaria flower
elisabethdahl in Greece: my cakctus in bloom
elisabethdahl in Greece: a wild forget me not
elisabethdahl in Greece: a tiny little spring flower
elisabethdahl in Greece: more flowers comming
elisabethdahl in Greece: fiola canutta in a pott
elisabethdahl in Greece: and a promise of warmer days
elisabethdahl in Greece: My favorite summerflower
elisabethdahl in Greece: one viola canuta
elisabethdahl in Greece: smal pink ones
elisabethdahl in Greece: spring is here to!