LisaC777: #1 Great Blue Heron
LisaC777: #1 (image 2) Great Blue Heron
LisaC777: #1 (image 3) Great Blue Heron in Flight
LisaC777: #1 (image 4) Great Blue Heron - juvenile
LisaC777: #2 American Robin
LisaC777: #3 Golden Crowned Sparrow (immature)
LisaC777: #4 American Kestrel (female)
LisaC777: #5 Song Sparrow
LisaC777: #5 (image 2) Song Sparrow
LisaC777: #6 Black-Capped Chickadee
LisaC777: Backyard Black-capped Chickadee
LisaC777: #7 Dark-eyed Junco
LisaC777: Dark-eyed Junco in the Backyard
LisaC777: #8 Domestic Duck (originally listed as Mallard Hybrid)
LisaC777: #9 Ring-necked Duck - male
LisaC777: #9 (image 2) Ring-necked Duck - female and two males
LisaC777: Ring-necked Duck: Ring Visible
LisaC777: #10 Mallard - male
LisaC777: #10 (image 2) Mallard - female and male
LisaC777: #11 Bufflehead - male
LisaC777: #11 (image 2) Bufflehead (female and male)
LisaC777: #12 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
LisaC777: #12 (image 2) Ruby-crowned Kinglet - female
LisaC777: #13 American Wigeon - male
LisaC777: #13 (image 2) American Wigeon - female
LisaC777: #13 American Wigeons (image 3) in Flight
LisaC777: #14 American Coot
LisaC777: #15 Common Raven
LisaC777: #16 Double-crested Cormorant
LisaC777: #17 Western Gull - Northern