Liquid's 101:
Coffee and Bacon
Liquid's 101:
Group 1
Liquid's 101:
Group 2
Liquid's 101:
Group 3
Liquid's 101:
Group 4
Liquid's 101:
Group 5
Liquid's 101:
See the shot
Liquid's 101:
2nd shot
Liquid's 101:
Huw, Rhodri, Dil and Steve
Liquid's 101:
The Scoremaster
Liquid's 101:
Liquid's 101:
Ioan, Prof and Alwyn
Liquid's 101:
The Keeper
Liquid's 101:
Sion and Richard
Liquid's 101:
Steve and Geth
Liquid's 101:
Hands up who won.
Liquid's 101:
Rhodri and Byron
Liquid's 101:
Dafydd and Wyn
Liquid's 101:
and the winners are...
Liquid's 101:
Cheers Ian
Liquid's 101:
Winning team
Liquid's 101:
Liquid's 101:
High Handicap
Liquid's 101:
Prize giving
Liquid's 101:
Group shot
Liquid's 101:
2010 Champion
Liquid's 101:
2010 Champion