cw3283: Chest pains since Tuesday night. It's acid reflux but I wanted to rule out a heart attack. And I couldn't stop vomiting. And crying.
cw3283: They promised me morphine an hour ago.
cw3283: 4:50am - still here
cw3283: A low residue, low fiber diet means I can eat pies, cookies and sugar. #gallstones
cw3283: #pie
cw3283: #xray
cw3283: I went to the ER Friday and I had an ultrasound which showed #gallstones. I'm visiting with a specialist tomorrow.
cw3283: Being sick is bullshit. Wake me up when I'm all better.
cw3283: 2nd ER visit in a week. #gallstones
cw3283: They're admitting me and pumping me full of diluadid. #gallstones #partyanimal
cw3283: After nearly 3 hours of surgery, my gallbladder is finally out. Since there were complications and they had to cut me open, I'll be here longer than expected. So many people have reached out with kind words and I really appreciate it! #gallstones #gallbla
cw3283: Sunrise in room 905
cw3283: Nurses helped me out of bed earlier and I'm sitting up sipping my liquid lunch. All great news! #pma #gallbladder
cw3283: I love my friends.
cw3283: Backless bird gown #hospitalcouture
cw3283: Day 5.