Lip Kee: Organising committee
Lip Kee: PRIP Bhichai Rattakul signing banner
Lip Kee: Octogenerians before cutting cake
Lip Kee: PRIP Bichai Rattakul giving speech
Lip Kee: Master of Ceremony 2
Lip Kee: Presidiing officer welcoming guests
Lip Kee: PRIP
Lip Kee: Master of Ceremony AG Reto
Lip Kee: Ladies from the main table
Lip Kee: Gift from PRIP Bhichai Rattakul
Lip Kee: Cake cutting
Lip Kee: cake
Lip Kee: 80s celebrating 80
Lip Kee: RC Singapore Centenniel
Lip Kee: RC Singapore
Lip Kee: Toast to guests
Lip Kee: Toast to RI
Lip Kee: Toast to President of Republic
Lip Kee: PRIP
Lip Kee: IMG_7055