LipglossJunkie: ensuite bathroom
LipglossJunkie: Tiling the laundry room.
LipglossJunkie: eBay table after
LipglossJunkie: eBay table after
LipglossJunkie: eBay find - extending table for $19
LipglossJunkie: Living room - backyard is getting redone and going to add big bifold doors
LipglossJunkie: Ugly backyard - before!
LipglossJunkie: Ugly backyard - before!
LipglossJunkie: View straight up from the backyard
LipglossJunkie: View straight up from the backyard
LipglossJunkie: Backyard renovations
LipglossJunkie: lumberyard hallway
LipglossJunkie: Progress in the backyard