LipglossJunkie: slingflings
LipglossJunkie: slingfling handmade fabrics
LipglossJunkie: crown and crest
LipglossJunkie: milicent & frank
LipglossJunkie: our milicent & frank ampersand
LipglossJunkie: love these lampshades
LipglossJunkie: Zaishu Project
LipglossJunkie: acrylic necklaces (they call it perspex here)
LipglossJunkie: new necklace
LipglossJunkie: entry to SPACE
LipglossJunkie: groovy leather goods
LipglossJunkie: love the mini eames chair
LipglossJunkie: black gnomes rock
LipglossJunkie: i love the chrome coral shaped bowl
LipglossJunkie: mini ball chair (ooh! and a red gnome!)
LipglossJunkie: you could totally knock this off
LipglossJunkie: what does one do with an over sized pink dreamcatcher?
LipglossJunkie: wall of chairsss
LipglossJunkie: wall of chairss
LipglossJunkie: wall of chairs
LipglossJunkie: mandarina duck
LipglossJunkie: ive always wanted to do gloss on eggshell paint
LipglossJunkie: i am in lust with these plexi tables
LipglossJunkie: fuzzy corbusier chair
LipglossJunkie: bulby light fixture
LipglossJunkie: black chandelier
LipglossJunkie: book worm