lippi: galagher
lippi: okanaganlake
lippi: banff reflection
lippi: lily in tub (yashica)
lippi: hostel window, Banff (yashica)
lippi: lily .. great model .. and cheap. I pay her in catnip sniffs.(yashica)
lippi: lights at intersection, leaving Winnipeg
lippi: Crow, Old Town, Edinburgh (yashica)
lippi: chocolate shop, Geneva (yashica)
lippi: mates in pub, St Stephen St, Edinburgh (yashica)
lippi: 99 cent pizza, Venice Beach, CA
lippi: stuck knickers
lippi: snow ball, Christmas at the Gawle's House
lippi: guitar playing bore, small village, French Alps
lippi: below the surface
lippi: scampi shocker
lippi: night light
lippi: hockey
lippi: yellow coat on Jenn
lippi: Kelly in Flowers
lippi: end of ..
lippi: Senior Art show
lippi: Senior Art show
lippi: white van chicks, Bristol, England
lippi: cherubic, Glasgow, Scotland
lippi: Moi, age 6 - grab from old super 8
lippi: you take the cheddar road and I'll go wells road ..
lippi: jumping, Brittany, France
lippi: Shades
lippi: playing hide+seek, Edinburgh