Lionel G King: Waiting for the next flight
Lionel G King: Backs of Qantas seats
Lionel G King: In flight espresso
Lionel G King: Air NZ lounge
Lionel G King: Hanging out in the lounge at LAX, waiting for yet another flight. The black lamps cast small puddles of light on the little tables that separate the seats - and on my Moleskine so I can photograph the sketch. :-) Another hour and a half to flight time..
Lionel G King: Float plane - Victoria BC
Lionel G King: Heading Home # 2: Mid flight
Lionel G King: Heading Home #1: Long journey begins
Lionel G King: Dining on the TGV
Lionel G King: AF 1723 Munich - Paris
Lionel G King: From the TGV
Lionel G King: Royal Silk Lounge - Bangkok
Lionel G King: Fellow traveller on VS200
Lionel G King: backpack
Lionel G King: Munich airport
Lionel G King: Barcelona airport
Lionel G King: Train trip - end of summer
Lionel G King: FlightAA49
Lionel G King: Cloudscape Sunset
Lionel G King: Crossing of the Pacific - looking out the window
Lionel G King: Crossing the Pacific
Lionel G King: LAX Lounge
Lionel G King: Charles De Gaulle Terminal 2A. Waiting for flight to Heathrow, en route to San Diegi
Lionel G King: Tom Bradley International Airport LAX