Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Auntie Gwen and Lil lil Harold
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Paul and Darren hide in the corner
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
I'm too sexy for this sweater...
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Paul is not too young to be camera shy
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
The Director is in.
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Little Harold trike-jacks his son
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
And realizes he didn't NEED to hotwire the thing
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Gail is framed
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Susan is framed too
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Gail with eyes wide open
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Give me the camera, and
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Little little Harold, blinded by flashes
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Little little Harold and Auntie Gail
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Little little Harold and Gail
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
My cousin, my mom, and my sister
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Little Harold makes the "o" face
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
My dad, in his true form
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
How do I grow this thing up?
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
One man, two women, to say nothing of the duck
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Little little Harold
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Pensive kid
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Auntie Gwen doesn't believe the camera is on
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Pensive Child Has Idea Catch Imagination
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
The Moon is inspiring
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
And rising...
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Trouble ahead
Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker:
Just like his dad...