VanPelt.: "...Time is always time, on my mind..."
VanPelt.: Michael Stipe and Mike Mills
VanPelt.: Happy hour @ Retrò
VanPelt.: Vespa and bottle @ Retrò
VanPelt.: Transfer experiment #3
VanPelt.: Paolo Benvegnù @ Monte San Savino
VanPelt.: Micah P. Hinson @ Circolo degli Artisti, Rome
VanPelt.: "I wish I couldn't feel a thing..."
VanPelt.: I had shopping at Muji... (1)
VanPelt.: "My heart is never broken, my patience never tried..."
VanPelt.: "Well I knew what I could not say..."
VanPelt.: "Notte e giorno senza pace, non ti stanchi mai..."
VanPelt.: "All mod cons"
VanPelt.: Paolo Benvegnù @ Perturbazioni, Montopoli di Sabina
VanPelt.: "Það besta sem guð hefur skapað er nýr dagur."
VanPelt.: "You have to shake that shit to move on..."
VanPelt.: "Bakvið skýjaból vaknar sól úr dvala..."
VanPelt.: "Hugsum daginn minn, í dag og í gær..."
VanPelt.: "How extremely lazy of me..."
VanPelt.: "His life begins right now."
VanPelt.: "We're going places, never dreamt we could..."
VanPelt.: "Fake can be just as good..."
VanPelt.: Paolo Benvegnù @ Fat, Terni ("Essere comici e tornare primitivi...")
VanPelt.: "Strange people who know me, peeping from behind every window pane..."
VanPelt.: Carpacho! @ Circolo degli Artisti, Rome ("Ci sarà un momento per confonderti agli idioti e forse lo rimpiangerai...")
VanPelt.: "But its all right, now I'm not frightened of this world, believe me..."
VanPelt.: "I feel it's never too late..."
VanPelt.: "I've got a pen in my pocket, does that make me a writer?"
VanPelt.: "Will never again, sir, tear us from each other's hearts..."
VanPelt.: "Well, I'm just a modern guy..."