Scrappy quilts:
Ideas anyone?
Scrappy quilts:
4.30 and awake to work on finishing this monster. #octagonalorb
Scrappy quilts:
My youngest made this guitar at school using a very cool Cuban cigar box. He just came in strumming what sounded like 'smells like teen spirit' so I called up Nirvana and played it for him. Proud mum moment introducing my boy to Nirvana ;). Oh and progres
Scrappy quilts:
Block 15 #octagonalorb
Scrappy quilts:
Today's 5am-start block.
Scrappy quilts:
Today's 5am block and the start of the next one. #octagonalorb
Scrappy quilts:
Progress of my #octagonalorb quilt. I'm adding the blue corners when I work out the layout.
Scrappy quilts:
I raided mum's fabric stash while I was home. This vintage fabric featuring horses and carriages was the last scrap mum had left of a dress she made when she was 15. So that's 60 years ago. It's so good that it fits right in with the orange and turquoise
Scrappy quilts:
Today's early morning block. #octagonalorb
Scrappy quilts:
One more today #octagonalorb
Scrappy quilts:
Close up of 2nd #octagonalorb
Scrappy quilts:
Eyes popped open at 5 this morning and I've put together my third #octagonalorb block. This time I've cut into my oh deer layer cake.
Scrappy quilts:
#octagonorb one block done Using some of the great batiks I bought in Goulburn.
Scrappy quilts:
Beginning my orange and turquoise quilt. Imagine it on a navy background...
Scrappy quilts:
My octagonal orb quilt is now ready to be quilted.