jeroenf: You talkin' to me?
jeroenf: Cow
jeroenf: Cow
jeroenf: Dripping nose
jeroenf: Who is the strongest?
jeroenf: Head to head
jeroenf: Cow
jeroenf: Eating
jeroenf: Lunch time
jeroenf: Cows
jeroenf: Nr 700843
jeroenf: The leader of the pack
jeroenf: Drinking
jeroenf: Petit déjeuner sur l'herbe
jeroenf: Kneeling
jeroenf: Cheeky cow
jeroenf: Cows in the mist
jeroenf: Untitled
jeroenf: I don't want to be here
jeroenf: Last cow standing
jeroenf: La vache
jeroenf: In a bad mood
jeroenf: Mad cow
jeroenf: Cow with an itch
jeroenf: On a misty morning
jeroenf: Rows
jeroenf: Hägar
jeroenf: Happy together
jeroenf: Muscular
jeroenf: Both sides