linanjohn: Tremella mesenterica or aurantica: Yellow Brain
linanjohn: Senhouse Roman Museum at Maryport
linanjohn: Alauna Roman Fort, Maryport
linanjohn: Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site
linanjohn: Alauna Roman Fort information
linanjohn: Alauna Roman Fort, Maryport
linanjohn: Alauna Roman Fort, Maryport
linanjohn: Senhouse Roman Museum, Maryport
linanjohn: The Battery, now Senhouse Roman Museum
linanjohn: Senhouse Roman Museum
linanjohn: Introducing the Senhouse Museum
linanjohn: The Western Coastal Defences of Roman Cumbria
linanjohn: Information Board showing an aerial photograph of Alauna Fort and the Senhouse Museum
linanjohn: Information about the Fort at Maryport
linanjohn: Oxford Archaeology plan of Alauna and the settlement outside its gates
linanjohn: Model of Alauna Fort with a description of the buildings
linanjohn: Model of Alauna Fort
linanjohn: Humphrey the Boar
linanjohn: Humphrey the Boar
linanjohn: RIB 853. Building-stone of the Twentieth Legion
linanjohn: RIB 852. Building inscription of the detachments of the legio II Augusta and XX Valeria Victrix
linanjohn: RIB 824. Altar dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus and the Divinity of the Emperor
linanjohn: Marcus Maenius Agrippa, tribune
linanjohn: Altars Dedicated by the First Cohort of Spaniards and its Commanders AD 122 to AD 138
linanjohn: Purpose of the Altars
linanjohn: RIB 823. Altar dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus by the First Cohort of Spaniards
linanjohn: A Roman Soldier
linanjohn: Altars dedicated by Commanders of the First Cohort of Baetasians AD 160 to AD 180
linanjohn: First Cohort of Baetasians Information Board
linanjohn: RIB 832. Altar dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus