LingMuse: Ben Franklin Parkway and 18th by night
LingMuse: Walls
LingMuse: Crazy Cat Gargoyle
LingMuse: Wall texture
LingMuse: City Hall Courtyard Up-shot
LingMuse: Column Cap
LingMuse: Inside the Breezeway looking out
LingMuse: Above City Hall Breezeway
LingMuse: Upshot of William Penn and Back-up singers
LingMuse: City Hall breezeway
LingMuse: Runners emerge from breezeway
LingMuse: I like clouds ... behind William Penn
LingMuse: William Penn atop City Hall
LingMuse: Commemoration of Declaration Bicentennial
LingMuse: Amidst Play and Politics
LingMuse: Monopoly Wheelbarrow Game Piece
LingMuse: Chillin' on the domino
LingMuse: Reflection on the domino
LingMuse: Iron Game Piece
LingMuse: Love and skaters
LingMuse: Philatropolis
LingMuse: Philly business buiding
LingMuse: Yes We Did
LingMuse: Progress at 14th and U
LingMuse: Progress from behind the chainlink
LingMuse: Foam, Sand, Sea
LingMuse: Seafoam on my Chuck Taylor
LingMuse: Lonely Boardwalk
LingMuse: Approaching Ziggy
LingMuse: Ziggy the Clown