line32: waiting in houston
line32: rain rain go away
line32: penthouse lounge area
line32: mi cuarto
line32: roommates
line32: morning view
line32: view to the pool - wet
line32: shower window
line32: casa zih
line32: clearing up
line32: patio
line32: view from casa zih
line32: penthouse casa zih
line32: view to the pool - clear
line32: unintentional fountains
line32: gusher
line32: margarita with starfruit
line32: bienvenidos amigos
line32: water taxi to las gatas
line32: our trusty captain
line32: margarita photo #2
line32: palapa
line32: the littlest crab
line32: o hai mr. crab
line32: magnificent frigatebirds
line32: playa las gatas
line32: getting more color
line32: zihuantanejo bay
line32: pantheon on the hill
line32: margarita pic #3