Lindsay_NYC: 365.1 My first self portrait
Lindsay_NYC: 365.2 not quite glowing
Lindsay_NYC: 365.3 at school
Lindsay_NYC: 365.4 window herb garden
Lindsay_NYC: 365.5 home at last!
Lindsay_NYC: 365.7 lebanese coffee
Lindsay_NYC: 365.8 getting ready
Lindsay_NYC: 365.9 soo tired!
Lindsay_NYC: 365.10 any time is a good time for coffee
Lindsay_NYC: 365.12 not up for it
Lindsay_NYC: 365.13 one for me, one for the kids
Lindsay_NYC: 365.14 soho snow
Lindsay_NYC: 365.15 riding the short bus
Lindsay_NYC: 365.16 the weather outside is frightful
Lindsay_NYC: 365.17 so now you know what I get up to most nights
Lindsay_NYC: 365.18 It's important to wear red for the kids on valentine's day . . .
Lindsay_NYC: 365.19 hooray for a week off!
Lindsay_NYC: 365.20 afternoon yoga
Lindsay_NYC: 365.21 brand spankin' new!
Lindsay_NYC: 365.22 my favorite jeans
Lindsay_NYC: 365.23 waiting to board
Lindsay_NYC: 365.25 Flat Stanely goes to California
Lindsay_NYC: 365.24 almost pumpkin time
Lindsay_NYC: 365.27 cheating just a bit
Lindsay_NYC: 365.26 driving!
Lindsay_NYC: 365.29 exhausted, but back on track
Lindsay_NYC: 365.30 do I look pregnant to you?
Lindsay_NYC: 365.31 missed my kitty
Lindsay_NYC: 365.32 shoulder