lindseyta: Erqi Square
lindseyta: like it says
lindseyta: paper store
lindseyta: taking pictures of everything b/c i just got a new camera
lindseyta: dog :)
lindseyta: near old campus
lindseyta: by day
lindseyta: on the way to new campus
lindseyta: by night
lindseyta: restaurant sign
lindseyta: portraiture ad
lindseyta: return to Zhengzhou
lindseyta: construction workers
lindseyta: Law-abiding patriotic solidarity courtesy and honesty self-devotion and contribution diligence
lindseyta: Fire truck
lindseyta: working
lindseyta: covering the tile
lindseyta: Remodeling
lindseyta: hole by the fruit stand
lindseyta: hole in the sidewalk
lindseyta: wheel of tubing
lindseyta: hole by a restaurant
lindseyta: 文明
lindseyta: Abandoned Shops
lindseyta: Abandoned Store 1
lindseyta: Abandoned Store 2