Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Sorting fabric for bottled rainbows quiltalong
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Murph and the blocks
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Looking for blue scraps in top two shades
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Looking for light and dark purple scraps
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Tangerine block
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Raspberry block
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Yellow and green blocks
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Light purple and blue blocks
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Last four, ready for scraps
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Turquoise Block
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Seemingly random layout
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: More "color harmonious" layout
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Bottled Rainbows on floor
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Bottled Rainbows Quilt Hanging
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Botted Rainbows Binding: Sugar Pop
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Bottled Rainbows Quilt on Full size bed
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: Bottled Rainbows Quilt, Queen size bed