Lindsay =): The Roethlis-Burger
Lindsay =): Pigs in a shell
Lindsay =): Breakfeast...waiting for the toast =D
Lindsay =): Eggs and Milk
Lindsay =): Poached eggs
Lindsay =): Dinosaur head steak
Lindsay =): Steak with onions and mushrooms.
Lindsay =): Fall snack mix
Lindsay =): Just before tossing in pasta and shrimp
Lindsay =): Cheesecake
Lindsay =): Cheesesteak
Lindsay =): Cheesesteak
Lindsay =): And now for something completely different.
Lindsay =): And now for something completely different.
Lindsay =): I forgot the pickles
Lindsay =): Breakfast
Lindsay =): Egg in the middle
Lindsay =): Bacon wrapped jalapenos
Lindsay =): Chinese Food
Lindsay =): Thirsty
Lindsay =): Colorful Candy
Lindsay =): Try It
Lindsay =): Tastes best around midnight =)
Lindsay =): Shrimp kabobs with rice
Lindsay =): Valentines cookies anyone?
Lindsay =): Chicken Fried Steak
Lindsay =): Lunch
Lindsay =): The Aussie Burger