Lindsay =): Kijivu
Lindsay =): Shinda with Tatu
Lindsay =): Tatu Pushes dad off the stump
Lindsay =): Tatu giving dad a good spanking
Lindsay =): Tatu giving dad a good spanking
Lindsay =): Moja enjoying the rain
Lindsay =): Moja enjoying the rain
Lindsay =): Richard just got a carrot
Lindsay =): Everyone watching Marek on the other side of the glass
Lindsay =): Where's my dentures?
Lindsay =): Moja snacking
Lindsay =): Moja and Tatu
Lindsay =): Moja and tatu
Lindsay =): Kamba with sleepy Tatu
Lindsay =): Richard
Lindsay =): Richard and Shinda at it again
Lindsay =): Richard
Lindsay =): Tatu sticking his toung out
Lindsay =): Such a cutie
Lindsay =): Kijivu
Lindsay =): He's so funny
Lindsay =): How do I get down?!?!
Lindsay =): Eww moms eating poo
Lindsay =): Kamba's pouting because the kids are off playing without her
Lindsay =): Kamba's pouting because the kids are off playing without her