lindamade: drive!
lindamade: drive!
lindamade: drive!
lindamade: drive!
lindamade: tegue's new 'purse'
lindamade: smiley tegue
lindamade: tegue and aunt lala
lindamade: tegue and aunt amy
lindamade: we both have cameras now!
lindamade: tegue's new camera
lindamade: delirious napper
lindamade: pb&j
lindamade: practicing for bourbon street
lindamade: beryl made tegue lego cakes
lindamade: dean cuts the cake
lindamade: blowing out the candles with mommy's help
lindamade: blowing out the candles with mommy's help
lindamade: blowing out the candles with mommy's help
lindamade: hey mom, don't forget about the cake!
lindamade: yummy cake
lindamade: yummy cake
lindamade: lego cake for all
lindamade: bday cake
lindamade: tegue thinks feeding paul is hilarious
lindamade: tegue thinks feeding paul is hilarious
lindamade: tegue thinks feeding paul is hilarious
lindamade: tegue, 2, birthday, austin' 134
lindamade: mmm, blue bell