Shooting Alfie: Cloud play
Shooting Alfie: Cloud play
Shooting Alfie: Cloud play
Shooting Alfie: The forum
Shooting Alfie: Cloud play
Shooting Alfie: Street view
Shooting Alfie: Sleeping dog
Shooting Alfie: Plaster cast of a victim
Shooting Alfie: Plaster cast of a victim
Shooting Alfie: Brothel art
Shooting Alfie: Street view
Shooting Alfie: A ancient snack bar
Shooting Alfie: An ancient snack bar
Shooting Alfie: Street view
Shooting Alfie: A well-preserved house with mosaics
Shooting Alfie: Rachel takes a break
Shooting Alfie: The colisseum
Shooting Alfie: Liz at work
Shooting Alfie: Casa Fauna
Shooting Alfie: Casa Fauna
Shooting Alfie: Casa Fauna
Shooting Alfie: Apollo temple
Shooting Alfie: Apollo temple
Shooting Alfie: Mosaics in the food store