Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Quisqualis indica, Combretum indicum
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Quisqualis indica, Combretum indicum
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Mirador Piedra La Rosa
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Pine forest
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Sculpture, No Hay Barreras, There are no barriers, by Juan Antonio Hernandez
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Puerto San Juan
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Sculpture, No Hay Barreras, There are no barriers, by Juan Antonio Hernandez.
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Puerto San Juan
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Puerto y Playa San Juan
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Puerto San Juan
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Mural of the Virgen de la Candelaria, patron saint of the Canary Islands.
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Guanche kings
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Guanche kings
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Guanche kings
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Guanche kings
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Guanche kings
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Guanche kings
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Basilica of Candelaria
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Basilica of Candelaria
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Presas canarios
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Presas canarios