Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Arum lilies
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Nymphaea caerulea
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Nymphaea caerulea
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Annona muricata
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Annona glabra flower
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Ficus auriculata
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Ficus auriculata
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Allamanda schottii
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Allamanda schottii
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Gloriosa superba
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Gloriosa superba
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Gloriosa superba
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Ixora coccinea
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Budding Agapanthus
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Agapanthus bud
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Mimosa albida
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Mimosa albida
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Mimosa albida
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
tree trunk
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
lush vegetation
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Heliconia subulata
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Roots (syagrus romanzoffiana)
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Codiaeum variegatum
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Codiaeum variegatum
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Codiaeum variegatum
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Dracaena marginata flowers
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Dracaena marginata