Linda DV (away for the holidays): Red-wattled lapwing
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Red-wattled lapwing
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Red-wattled lapwing
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Red-wattled lapwing
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Blacksmith lapwing - Vanellus armatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Blacksmith lapwing - Vanellus armatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): African wattled lapwing - Vanellus senegallus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Wood sandpiper - Tringa glareola
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Little ringed plover juvenile - Charadrius dubius
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Water thick-knee - Burhinus vermiculatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Water thick-knee - Burhinus vermiculatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Water thick-knee - Burhinus vermiculatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Water thick-knee - Burhinus vermiculatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Water thick-knee - Burhinus vermiculatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Water thick-knee - Burhinus vermiculatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Water thick-knee - Burhinus vermiculatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): African jacana - Actophilornis africanus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Grey-headed gull - Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Crowned plover - Vanellus coronatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Crowned plover - Vanellus coronatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Crowned plover - Vanellus coronatus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Black-winged stilt