Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Green border
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Colorful leaves
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Pieris japonica seed
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Salvia microphylla
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Salvia microphylla
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Cornus kousa
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
centaurea sp
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
bee on centaurea
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Centaurea and bee
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
flower and bee
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
bee on centaurea
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
centaurea and bee
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
bee on centaurea
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Symphytum officinale
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Symphytum officinale
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.)
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Deutzia sp. ( Deutzia scarba plena)
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Deutzia scarba plena