Linda DV:
Afar huts
Linda DV:
village in the Hararge highlands
Linda DV:
I hope that's not as heavy as it looks
Linda DV:
Asma'addin Bari market (New Market; also known as the Christian Market)
Linda DV:
Asma'addin Bari market (New Market; also known as the Christian Market)
Linda DV:
Asma'addin Bari market (New Market; also known as the Christian Market)
Linda DV:
Asma'addin Bari market (New Market; also known as the Christian Market)
Linda DV:
Harar roofs and blooming jacaranda
Linda DV:
The Harar tourist attraction: feeding hyenas
Linda DV:
The Harar tourist attraction: feeding hyenas (see comment below)
Linda DV:
The Harar tourist attraction: feeding hyenas
Linda DV:
The Harar tourist attraction: feeding hyenas
Linda DV:
The Harar tourist attraction: feeding hyenas
Linda DV:
The Harar tourist attraction: feeding hyenas
Linda DV:
looks just like a nice dog ;)
Linda DV:
Harar's hyena man at work
Linda DV:
Harar's hyena man at work
Linda DV:
making sure there's nothing left
Linda DV:
Harar's hyena man at work
Linda DV:
Harar's hyena man at work
Linda DV:
Linda DV:
Shoa Gate (also known as Asmae Diin Bari or Asmaddin beri in Harari)
Linda DV:
woman in the market
Linda DV:
Linda DV:
market scene
Linda DV:
Linda DV:
old lady
Linda DV:
Linda DV:
market scene
Linda DV:
young at work