Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Frozen in bokeh
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Frozen in time
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Chaenomeles x superba fruit
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Chaenomeles x superba fruit
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Ruby Glow'
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Witch hazel 'Ruby Glow'
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Spring is coming...
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
New life
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Orange Peel'
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
First signs of spring
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Spring is in the air...
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Pallida'
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Yellow witch hazel
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Happy Earth Day 2010
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Male catkins on Common Hazel
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Male & female catkins on Common Hazel
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Camellia japonica cultivar
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Camellia japonica cultivar
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Camellia japonica cultivar
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Camellia japonica cultivar
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Camellia macro
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Scarlet plume Euphorbia.
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Scarlet plume Euphorbia.
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Raffles' Pitcher-Plant
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
La Palma sowthistle
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
African hemp
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Crested Coelogyne
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Zygopetalum orchid
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Silver Slipper Orchid
Linda DV (away for the holidays):
Chenille flower