Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023. A little wet. The River Witham looking towards Lincoln.
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023. A little wet. The fishing platforms have now disappeared for a while.
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023. A little wet. The North Delph now over full. Looking towards Lincoln.001 (6)
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023 A Little wet. North Delph looking towards Bardney.
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023 A Little wet. The first day of Storm Babet.
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023 A Little wet. The trees should not be in the water.
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023 A Little wet. Looking west with Lincoln Cathedral in the distance and not looking so good.
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023 A Little wet. Looking west and equally bad.
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023 A Little wet. Looks like the cycle path/water railway will not see much use for a while.
Lincs L&P: Saturday 21.10.2023 A Little wet. The footbridge is still usable on the north bank.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. The view of the Water Railway and River from the southern side.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. The view of the Water Railway and River from the southern side
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. The view of the Water Railway and River from the southern side
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. The Sincil Drain looking rather full.
Lincs L&P: 22.10.2023. The Sincil Drain looking rather full.
Lincs L&P: 22.10.2023. The Sincil Drain looking rather full.
Lincs L&P: Sinday 22.10.2023. The Sincil drain is starting to overflow into a drainage ditch.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. The Witham still very full.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. The Witham still very full.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. The Witham still very full. The fields full too.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. Short Ferry and the road is partially flooded. In 2019 the road was flooded for a greater distance after banks bust.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. Henry Ward's fields are flooded again. He came back from it last time and hope he does so again.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. The drain is slowly overflowing and filling the fields.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. Water from the village is slowly draining into the field.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. Birds are enjoying their new home.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. A beautiful day, a worrying scene.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. Looks like a natural pool of water.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink. DON'T allow your dogs to drink it as it is likely contaminated.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. Close to some gardens now.
Lincs L&P: Sunday 22.10.2023. Such a changed scene in a couple of days.