Lincs L&P: Leyland Fire Appliance.
Lincs L&P: Taxi used for Fire Service work.
Lincs L&P: Taxi Plate.
Lincs L&P: Some London history.
Lincs L&P: London Taxi's at War.
Lincs L&P: They had to carry a fair bit as well.
Lincs L&P: Austin Fire vehicle.
Lincs L&P: Some of the eqipment they carried.
Lincs L&P: Dennis Fire Appliance.
Lincs L&P: Ex Dartford in Kent.
Lincs L&P: Some nice brass fittings.
Lincs L&P: Escape ladder.
Lincs L&P: All present and ready.
Lincs L&P: Basic nowadays but it worked then,
Lincs L&P: Fire House.
Lincs L&P: Ready for action.
Lincs L&P: Police escort.
Lincs L&P: Leading the way.
Lincs L&P: Here comes the Leyland.
Lincs L&P: Rushing, well most anyway !!
Lincs L&P: Back up.