rogopdp7c: St. Joseph's Abbey
rogopdp7c: Kingdom Hearts Stained Glass
rogopdp7c: Spirited Away
rogopdp7c: St. Paul's
rogopdp7c: St. Joseph's Abbey
rogopdp7c: St. Joseph's Abbey
rogopdp7c: St. Joseph's Abbey
rogopdp7c: Playmobil Stained Glass
rogopdp7c: Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity
rogopdp7c: Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity
rogopdp7c: "Like a grand and miraculous spaceship...
rogopdp7c: St. Thomas II
rogopdp7c: Stained Glass Panel at St. Thomas
rogopdp7c: Chapel of Christ the Teacher / University of Portland
rogopdp7c: Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity
rogopdp7c: Test