Sophie_vf: Sharon's calendar, January 1/365
Sophie_vf: little sand garden 2/365
Sophie_vf: frost 3/365
Sophie_vf: kiss me, you fool. 4/365
Sophie_vf: Trinity 5/365
Sophie_vf: last one 6/365
Sophie_vf: when I was a kid, I had to walk to school in the dark. 7/365
Sophie_vf: study, 8/365
Sophie_vf: I need a pedicure 9/365
Sophie_vf: wii feet, 10/365
Sophie_vf: Mirrors, 12/365
Sophie_vf: handwriting meme (also, 13/365)
Sophie_vf: Sleepytime. 14/365
Sophie_vf: Brown-eyed girl. 15/365
Sophie_vf: Our Lady of the Yoga Mat. 16/365
Sophie_vf: So glad the sun's out. 17/365
Sophie_vf: sleepless, 19/365
Sophie_vf: Cossack road, 20/365
Sophie_vf: poor misplaced angel, 21/365
Sophie_vf: flaming meteor of melted butter, 22/365
Sophie_vf: together, maybe 23/265
Sophie_vf: back in the habit, 24/365
Sophie_vf: Paw prints, 25/365
Sophie_vf: Round street cafe, 26/365
Sophie_vf: harmony birch, 27/365
Sophie_vf: not minute maid, 28/365
Sophie_vf: what zoo? 29/365
Sophie_vf: old technology meets smart ass bunny 30/365
Sophie_vf: Slamtastic! 31/365
Sophie_vf: statistics class notes, 33/365