Anomalily: Day 125: 11:11 on 11/11/11
Anomalily: Day 21: A bicycle on a bicycle
Anomalily: Day 149: For you I would stay up all night, like the moon sometimes does for the stars
Anomalily: Smoking [Explored]
Anomalily: Day 81: New Bed
Anomalily: Day 25: Dwell in It (An Ode to My Bed)
Anomalily: Day 69: Directing Traffic in Pink
Anomalily: Laura and the Never-Ending Plums
Anomalily: Day 137: Nothing to Wear
Anomalily: Day 251: Xtracycle Pin-up
Anomalily: Day 305: I've got an xtracycle and 2 inch heels