Sergei P. Zubkov: Abandoned House
Urbanhearts: Strassen Feger, Berlin
Urbanhearts: Lily Luciole & Persian, Cuvrystrasse Camp, Berlin
Arbesu80: DSC_2335_3444
Marcos Henrique Folgoet: Arte...simplesmente ARTE
LoisInWonderland: Check out images of girls on walls with @swoonhq @balu_art @daniellebknyc #WilliamPower #LexiBella @zesoner #jana&js #DamienMitchell
LoisInWonderland: Check out @centrefugepublicartproject Cycle 14 on today's post at
Urbanhearts: The ArtFabric on Australian website Fluoro
A L A N I Z: "Freiheit" With or without permission, occupy the streets and never compromise the message. That is what street art must always be.
Roy Del Vecchio: Geisha - Kyoto
Roy Del Vecchio: Sleep - Shinjuku
nefasth: Dont' let money change
nefasth: Onmoraki
Luna Park: lister
mygawd: 10516510_10152556459709289_1511618216_o
Stilll: Festival international de cerfs-volants
• CHRISTIAN •: Canadian Museum of Nature
laboratoire de l'hydre: theatre d'ombres
amolho4: shin shin
Novak Tonkin: My friend Tanu with Mister Zeusy, in Abbottsford an hour before we left Melb on our way to Adelaiede for winter !!!
Jilly Ballistic: 28th St; uptown 1
zuzu knew: One more time with feeling... #overheadprojections #zuzuknew #installation #artscape #toronto #analogue #rainbow #cats #donuts
Costică Acsinte Archive: ca_20140619_002
GUACHE .: Cantagallo
GUACHE .: La Ciudad Invisible Barcelona
GUACHE .: Sueldo
Dietmar Temps: Laos, Muay Lao