lily alex: καλο μηνα σε ολους...
lily alex: the summer is knoking on our door...
lily alex: sneaking from the mirror twice! hahaha
lily alex: abandon
lily alex: lonelyness
lily alex: the lake of Prespes
lily alex: windows' view
lily alex: sea view
lily alex: summer
lily alex: summer2
lily alex: sea kite
lily alex: i am back!!! καλο μηνα σε ολους!!!
lily alex: it's morning in Kaloskopi...
lily alex: The small house on the field...
lily alex: the sea spirit
lily alex: the end of the day everything seems to be perfect...
lily alex: the beetle...
lily alex: καλο μηνα... :)
lily alex: η μικρη Βιολετα...
lily alex: sunset in Paros island...
lily alex: serenity
lily alex: ραχες φθ/δας
lily alex: Σπερχειος Φθ/δας
lily alex: light
lily alex: the God's' light
lily alex: there bigger miracle than a baby... i don't beleve there is...
lily alex: it looks a lot like that little bird colibri but it's not...
lily alex: just like all the guests it was eating its meal (a very small pιece of cake) at the table...
lily alex: ...some times words are just not enogh to express the feeling...