Lil'V0611: 作繭自縛
Lil'V0611: 抑或是束縛
Lil'V0611: Am I in heaven
Lil'V0611: or in hell
Lil'V0611: I will fear no evil;
Lil'V0611: But it's my reality
Lil'V0611: It's just like a dream
Lil'V0611: Your rod and Your staff,
Lil'V0611: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
Lil'V0611: 它們從我而生
Lil'V0611: 抑因我而堅韌
Lil'V0611: For you are with me;
Lil'V0611: 嚐嚐這滋味
Lil'V0611: They confort me.
Lil'V0611: 或許你會懂我在說些什麼
Lil'V0611: 自甘墮落
Lil'V0611: Smoke
Lil'V0611: And set me free
Lil'V0611: String
Lil'V0611: 聰明人才能看得清楚