lilspikey: Lights working on house and station
lilspikey: Seeing what the z-scale layout looks like in suitcase with scenery mostly done
lilspikey: Station finished and glued onto layout
lilspikey: z-scale train station fully assembled and nearly finished
lilspikey: Starting to paint main colours on train station
lilspikey: Sepia ink wash on train station
lilspikey: z-scale train station primed
lilspikey: Scratch building wall in front of house
lilspikey: z-scale station kit
lilspikey: z-scale station kit
lilspikey: z-scale station kit
lilspikey: z-scale station kit
lilspikey: z-scale station kit
lilspikey: z-scale station kit
lilspikey: z-scale station kit
lilspikey: Train layout with tunnel nearing completition
lilspikey: More grass filled in on my z-scale train layout
lilspikey: Working on scenery (lake bed)
lilspikey: Working on scenery (lake and main section grass in place)
lilspikey: Working on scenery (resin added to lake)
lilspikey: Lights on in z-scale house
lilspikey: Ready to put roof on z-scale house (LED to go inside)
lilspikey: Z-scale house kit started
lilspikey: Applying undercoat to train layout
lilspikey: Digital Linear Power Supply circuit on breadboard
lilspikey: Digital Linear Power Supply
lilspikey: First full power on test of circuits for train set
lilspikey: After some rejigging the Raspberry Pi power switch is working
lilspikey: Breadboarded circuit for raspberry pi shutdown button
lilspikey: Arduino and motor/solenoid board screwed into place