lilspikey: Testing nightlight in fridge
lilspikey: Programming Arduino pro mini with code for nightlight
lilspikey: Debugging nightlight code using potentiometer instead of temperature sensor
lilspikey: Creating slightly offset headers for Arduino pro mini
lilspikey: Nightlight working when wired to regular Arduino
lilspikey: New circuit for night light soldered
lilspikey: Comparing size of Arduino pro mini to original nightlight circuit
lilspikey: Nightlight/thermometer with mushroom and button glued in place
lilspikey: RGB LED and wires covered in Fimo
lilspikey: Lots of jumper wires on nightlight circuit attempt 2
lilspikey: Nightlight circuit take 2
lilspikey: Red means fail
lilspikey: Power socket, slide switch and latch switch soldered
lilspikey: Testing fit of fimo covered RGB LED
lilspikey: RGB LED and wires covered in Fimo
lilspikey: Wires + RGB LED ready for coating in Fimo
lilspikey: The nearly finished nightlight
lilspikey: Changing color of nightlight after warming up from being put in fridge for a while
lilspikey: Wooden base for nightlight
lilspikey: Nightlight on stand (rear view)
lilspikey: Nightlight on stand
lilspikey: Nightlight on stand
lilspikey: Finished nightlight (showing buttons)
lilspikey: Finished nightlight
lilspikey: Mushroom on nightlight glued in place
lilspikey: Testing all components glued in place work in nightlight
lilspikey: Power and colour choice buttons glued onto nightlight
lilspikey: Innards of nightlight hooked up to breadboard
lilspikey: Wood for nightlight