lilshutterbug: Even weeds can be beautiful...
lilshutterbug: Sunset @ Long Run Park
lilshutterbug: Crescent Moon
lilshutterbug: Floating Clouds
lilshutterbug: Sunset on a Sunday
lilshutterbug: Sunset on a Sunday 2
lilshutterbug: The Waters of the Ohio
lilshutterbug: Sunset with a Crescent Moon
lilshutterbug: Louisville Cityscape
lilshutterbug: Week 4: Something New
lilshutterbug: Louisville and the Ohio
lilshutterbug: Sunset Over Louisville
lilshutterbug: Depth of Emotion
lilshutterbug: Sunset Over the Ohio
lilshutterbug: Birds Flying into the Sunset
lilshutterbug: DSC_1227c
lilshutterbug: Week 19: Vision: Edge Cut Sun
lilshutterbug: Skystar Wheel Over Louisville
lilshutterbug: Look for the Light
lilshutterbug: Docking the Belle
lilshutterbug: Peaceful Spring
lilshutterbug: Week 28: Composition: Left to Right
lilshutterbug: Week 18: Wildcard: Photographer's Choice
lilshutterbug: Week 15: Composition: Rule of Space
lilshutterbug: Kentucky Beauty
lilshutterbug: Sunset Creek
lilshutterbug: Sunset Over Cincy
lilshutterbug: Keep on Flowing
lilshutterbug: Week 29: Technical: Twilight