Lillput: DSC_4040 Echinops and Bee
Lillput: DSC_4037 Bee
Lillput: DSC_4030 Echinops and Bee
Lillput: DSC_4019 Echinops and Bee
Lillput: DSC_3991 Echinops and Bee
Lillput: DSC_1003 Echinops and Bee
Lillput: DSC_9816 Bee on Osteospermum
Lillput: DSC_9817 Bee on Osteospermum
Lillput: DSC_3867 Where the Bee sucks
Lillput: DSC_8163 Bzzzzz
Lillput: DSC_8196 Fly
Lillput: DSC_9012 Pink and Green
Lillput: DSC_9040 Brown eyes
Lillput: DSC_9056 Not in distress
Lillput: DSC_3077 Buzz
Lillput: DSC_5838 Scorpion Fly
Lillput: DSC_3787 Damsel
Lillput: DSC_0931Bee2
Lillput: DSC_0926Bee