❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
White Moments of Life :-)
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
Fuoco d'artificio _ Firework
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
Pink Symphony
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
Etiam capillus unus habet umbram suam
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
affacciarsi alla vita _ to lean out to the life
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
t'es trop doux mon petit tournesol;-)
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
parole d'acqua _ words of water
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
al primo soffio di vento.... at the first puff of wind....
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
L'Ape non è impaurita da me _ The Bee is not afraid of me
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
liquid silence
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
l'unione fa la forza:-)) _ there is strength in numbers:-))
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
non amare il florido ramo_the song of life
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
also in winter the nature offers a shelter to everybody....
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
FuoCo e GHiaCCio _ FiRe aND iCe
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
the rose that came in from the cold
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
invasive lucubration
❤ Lilli ❤ OFF:
The Unbearable Lightness of Being