lille: this is the board facing my desk
lille: and yes these are actually people who work w me
lille: paul
lille: denise, helene
lille: mike
lille: clearer freaks
lille: i heart photo booth
lille: DSC00011.JPG
lille: DSC00008.JPG
lille: scenery in our parking lot
lille: albutt and araceli, hiding from the camera
lille: albutt! my fave
lille: cam phone pics from the office
lille: cam phone pics from the office
lille: araceli's camshy
lille: people who came to see my billboard!
lille: people who came to see my billboard!
lille: where's lille commercial?
lille: where's lille commercial?
lille: where's lille commercial?
lille: where's lille commercial?
lille: where's lille?
lille: where's lille?
lille: araceli's birthday and le tigre show
lille: araceli's bday
lille: araceli in the car on our way to lunch
lille: paul driving to lunch
lille: Where's Lille commercial
lille: Where's Lil commercial
lille: Where's Lil commercial